Aveti intrebari? Sunteti in locul potrivit!
Actualizati pachetele instalate pe sistemul dvs. si instalati wget
apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install -y wget
Descarcati installer-ul in directorul /root
cd /root
wget -O installer.sh https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh
Executati installer-ul:
chmod u+x installer.sh
Va fi returnat urmatorul output:
CyberPanel Installer v2.0
1. Install CyberPanel.
2. Install Addons.
3. Exit.
Please enter the number[1-3]:
Introduceti 1
si apasati ENTER.
Urmatorul pas arata in felul urmator
CyberPanel Installer v2.0
RAM check : 71/487MB (14.58%)
Disk check : 1/20GB (7%) (Minimal 10GB free space)
1. Install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed.
2. Install Cyberpanel with LiteSpeed Enterprise.
3. Exit.
Please enter the number[1-3]:
Introduceti 1
si apasati ENTER .
Installer va solicita sa alegeti versiunea MariaDB pentru insalare. Selectati MariaDB 1.0 fiind singura versiune suportata de panou.
In urmatoareale ferestre, selectati y
. Vor arata in modul urmator:
Mirror server network is optimized for Asia Pacific region...
If you experience very slow download speed during installation, please try use mirror server on clean system...
Use mirror server [y/N]: y
Replace JS/CSS files to JS Delivr?
This may improve panel loading speed in Asia Pacific region...
Please select [y/N]: y
Install Memcached extension for PHP?
Please select [y/N]: y
Install LiteSpeed Memcached?
Please select [y/N]: y
Install Redis extension for PHP?
Please select [y/N]: y
Install Redis?
Please select [y/N]: y
Panoul CyberPanel va fi instalat impreuna cu extensiile .
Instalerul va afisa datele de administrare, va recomand sa le salvati:
CyberPanel Successfully Installed
Current Disk usage : 3/20GB (16%)
Current RAM usage : 315/985MB (31.98%)
Installation time : 0 hrs 3 min 24 sec
Visit: https://(YOUR_SERVER_IP):8090
Panel username: admin
Panel password: 1234567
Mysql username: root
Mysql password: pTi2cRiSf7Egn2
Please change your default admin password
If you change mysql password, please modify file in
/etc/cyberpanel/mysqlPassword with new password as well
Website : https://www.cyberpanel.net
Forums : https://forums.cyberpanel.net
Wikipage: https://docs.cyberpanel.net
Enjoy your accelerated Internet by
CyberPanel & OpenLiteSpeed
Accesati IP-ul sererului dvs. CyberPanel port, (IP_server):8090
. Se va deschide fereastra de admin.
Introduceti admin
pentru username si 1234567
pentur parola.
Click pe sageata user-menu arrow, in dreptul „Cyber Pan”.
Selectati „Edit Profile”.
Selectati „admin” din drop down.
Modificati informatiile necesare.
Ati instalat cu succes CyberPanel.